Sunday, June 8, 2008



This is one of the important approaches of the management. His seven elements for the effective and efficient performance of the organization is appended below:

1. Strategy: It is a long-term decision in which a company decides that how to allocate the resources to achieve the planned objectives.

2. Structure: It refers to the basics of the organizations such as various inter-relationships, various departments, hierarchy and association’s authority and responsibility relationships.

3. System: This reflects the formal and informal procedure to perform the operations of an organization. The theorists suggest 3-S, i.e., Strategy, Structure and System should be taken as tough ones and rest 4-S to be taken as soft ones.

4. Style: The rhythm of work and the overall culture that flows within an organization.

5. Skill: The unique competence of the personnel.

6. Shared Value: The collective Value on which the organization stands for, as each individual merges his personal values and interest with this shared value.

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