Sunday, June 8, 2008



Management includes a wide range of functions. But the main functions, which are performed, are outlined below:







1. Planning: It is a basic managerial function. It helps in determining the course of actions to be followed to achieve the organizational goals. It bridges the gap between where we are and where we want to go. It is thinking in advance, What to do? When to do? How to do? And, Who to do?

“ Planning is the selection and relating of facts and making and using of assumptions regarding the future, in the visualization and formulation of proposed activities, believed necessary to achieve desired results.” George Terry

2. Organising: It is concerned with the identification of different activities, grouping of similar types of activities into one group and assignment of responsibilities and authorities to the organizational members, so that they can perform their duties to achieve the organizational goals. Further, we establish co-ordination between the different activities of the company and employees, so that they can work in groups.
Identification of Activities

Grouping of Activities

Authority and Responsibility


3. Staffing: It is another important function of Management because human beings are the key factor in the development of the company. This function involves recruitment, selection, training, development and compensation of human beings.

“ Staffing is filling and keeping filled position in the organizational structure through defining workforce requirements, selecting, compensating, training and development.” Donels

In the end, we can say that, Staffing is concerned with maintaining the right quality and quantity of human resources in the organisation at the right time.

4. Directing: It means giving guidelines and instructions to the employees, so that, they can start their work. It includes following elements:

(a) Communication: Inter-personal relationship.
(b) Motivation: Influencing the behaviour of subordinates, so that, they can work with more enthusiasm. This can be done by giving rewards, incentives and even by punishments.
(c) Leading: It is a non-coercive effort of the managers to influence the behaviour of the subordinates.

5. Co-ordination: It means establishment of relationship between different activities and the employees, so that, they can work in a group efficiently for the best sake of the company.

In spite of co-ordination, co-operation is also necessary. It means employer should have friendly relationship and mutual understanding between them.


6. Controlling: It meant to check, whether everything or every activity is performed according to their objective set in the planning or not. In controlling, we make comparison between actual and standard performance and if any deviation are found, we have to take necessary action, if required.


In the end we can say that, these are the vital functions, which are performed at different levels of Management.

Levels of Management Functions
Top Level Planning & Organising
Middle Level Staffing & Directing
Lower (First) Level Co-ordination & Controlling

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