Sunday, June 8, 2008



The controversy is, whether management is an art or science is very old and has created lot of confusion.

As Art: Art refer to the application of knowledge and person skills to achieve desired results. Every art is practical and concerned with creation of something.

Important features of art which shows that management is an art:

(a) Personal Skills: Management is an art, as one has to use his personal skill and knowledge for solving problems to achieve the Company’s objective.

(b) Practical knowledge: An art implies practical knowledge. It concerns with application of knowledge. Management does not merely means knowledge of principles unless the manager does not use these principles effectively.

(c) Result Oriented: Management is concerned with accomplishment of objectives, so it is result oriented.

(d) Creativity: Every art has an element of creativity. Management is also one of the most creative art as it is concerned with getting work done through others by motivating them and co-coordinating there activities.

As Science: Science is systematized body of knowledge related to a specific field of study. It establishes cause and effective relationship between two or more factors. The principles of science are based on theories and experiments.

Important features of science which shows that management is a science:

(a) Systematize Body Of Knowledge: Management is a science, as it is an organized body of knowledge built up by management, philosophies and practitioners. The principle of management uses the method of observation from science.

(b) Universally Applicable: Scientific principles are universally applicable. The principles of management are also universally applicable but their results are different, in different situations.

(c) Continuous Observation: Principles of management have been developed after continue observations, just like scientific principles.

(d) Cause and Effect Relationship: Just like scientific principles, management principles also establish cause and effect relationship.


So it is evident from the above discussion that, management has both the elements, i.e. of art and science. It is not an exact science but it is a social science.

Therefore, Managements is an Inexact Science.

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